As an innovation agency we adapt our work to every need.
We design customized innovation projects for all our clients.
If you want to know how we could help you, don't hesitate to write to us!

Our success stories:

Abacus citizen community.
Customer-centric innovation.
Customer-focused innovation to capture valuable insights that would allow the organization to devise new spaces aligned with unmet needs and the Abacus brand positioning, seeking an experience in stores that transcended the purchase process.

Open Innovation in R&D.
Reduce the time and cost of developing new products in the field of dermatology, through collaboration with skin researchers worldwide.

We are EMIS.
Cocreation in Multiple Sclerosis.
National co-creation program to devise and develop innovative proposals in the field of multiple sclerosis, with a focus on improving the patient experience. The program has been accompanied by an innovation committee made up of experts in different fields of health innovation, with a high focus on multiple sclerosis.

Bimbo. Construction of growth routes for the range of wholemeal bread.
Bimbo plans to grow in the whole grain bread category by developing its range portfolio, detecting growth opportunities for new targets. The project was carried out in different qualitative and quantitative phases, taking into account a multidisciplinary and holistic vision. From different co-creation workshops with final consumers, creatives, experts and the Bimbo team, potential concepts and a comprehensive portfolio proposal were defined.

From product to costumer centricity.
Strategic development.
The design of the new Biosystems system, which includes the machine, reagents and services, was based on a direct understanding of the needs (needs and pain points) of the client (both user and channel) through empathetic research methodologies of the client such as ethnography and co-creation, in order to identify innovation opportunities and promote a change of vision from the product to the customer.

NewConcepts. Ideation and definition of innovation opportunities.
Based on trends in the food sector, and Borges' capabilities and strategic priorities, innovation opportunities were identified for the different countries in which Borges operates. Work and ideation workshops were held in different languages with the teams from each of the countries. The best ideas were transferred to concept boards for further development. One of the concepts that emerged from this process was the nut drink.

Co-creation in neonatology.
Co-creation program between health professionals, family members, and experts in different fields of prototyping, to develop disruptive proposals.

Packaging Innovation Hub. Definition of the strategy and viability plan.
They launch the Packaging Innovation Hub to channel and promote strategic projects with the sector. It is the Cluster's tool that helps to promote innovation and the competitiveness of companies by co-creating solutions of interest in close collaboration with all the actors and sectoral chains in which Packaging plays a relevant role.

New concepts. Definition of innovation opportunities.
Reventós Codorniu wants to launch new concepts in the world of cava and wine, for which a workshop was held to devise new products, services and brand initiatives. Different territories, ideas and concepts based on consumer trends and insights were explored, in order to nurture the Raventós Codorniu innovation pipeline with potential projects.

Intrapreneurship at Damm.
Program for diagnosing the level of maturity of innovation, and design and creation of the annual intrapreneurship program aimed at all the company's workers.

Innospace. Work experience through Design Thinking.
Innospace is an innovation process that promotes the transformation of spaces based on the detection of real user needs. Through this process, the culture of innovation is enhanced, real insights are detected and the space is transformed according to the needs, corporate culture and dynamics of the entity.

Innovation Audit. Diagnosis of innovation opportunities.
The hospital wants to promote innovation. For this, a diagnosis of the processes of internal and open innovation was carried out. Interviews were conducted with directors and professionals of the Clinic; and in parallel, a scouting of other reference hospitals was carried out. With all this, areas of opportunity were identified to develop the impact of the innovation that emerged from the Hospital.

HP Idea Sprint. Intrapreneurship at HP (3D and Large Format Printing).
Promote bottom-up innovation in one of the lines of business at a global level

InnobICS. Open innovation in care services.
Create and activate the corporate innovation model in organization and care service. Implement a digital solution that allows managing ideas and projects. Train a group of professionals as innovation agents of the organization, in the field of Primary Care.

Port Innova.
Co-creation with FP center.
PORTINNOVA innovation community, where companies from the port area and Barceloneta Vocational Training schools collaborate to develop innovative projects that solve the strategic challenges of the companies and institutions involved.

Open innovation community of the Port of Tarragona, with scouting services, training, and development of innovative solutions through collaboration between different companies in the ecosystem.

Dulcolax new concepts. Identification of insights and definition of innovations.
Together with the Dulcolax team, based on different methodologies such as ethnography, ideation, co-creation, and with the work of the international team, concepts and value propositions of the brand were identified for European markets. The project concluded in the co-creation of five prototypes.

HealthU. Resolution of digital challenges and new business models.
Launch of the program, in which digital challenges were identified and a scouting of startups in the ecosystem was carried out. Then a first selection of finalists was made. Finally, within the framework of a Hackathon, a finalist partner was selected. Different multidisciplinary profiles participated (marketing, legal, medical, entrepreneur, biologist, digital...) who worked in 5 teams to propose new solutions.

TMB innovates.
Innovation technical office.
Design of the innovation plan, activation of a Bottom-Up innovation process, and establishment of internal mechanisms for the management of corporate innovation.
In addition, work is being done to promote the skills of all workers in everything related to innovation, through training in agile methodologies.

Vida Caixa.
Innovation training.
Vida Caixa's Innovation unit has selected a group of innovation agents whom it wishes to promote in order to promote innovation in the organization.